Samarpan Artz

Bring home an original

Featured Artworks


Size – 24 x 18 inches
Medium – Abstract


Size – 48 x 36 inches
Medium – Abstract


Size – 36 x 24 inches
Medium – Abstract


Size – 36 x 36 inches
Medium – Landscape

Samarpan Artz

What makes us special?

Our grit and determination to create Original artworks, maintain the highest standards of Quality & keep it Affordable for Art lovers. Our forte is Abstract & Mixed media art style which sets us apart in the market.

Our Happy Clients!

“Received the Painting beautifully packed and in perfect condition. Will find the right place to hang it”

Sheetal Manickam

“Thank you for being so professional and extremely kind. Painting is beautiful and as expected”


“Your work is amazing. You have the potential to scale new heights. Thank you for a commendable job.”


Contact us / Custom works

Samarpan Artz also helps you with your custom artwork needs. We are quick, efficient and quality is our top priority. Just fill in the form and someone from our team will contact you soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Custom works / Original artworks.

Yes, we do. We’ll work closely with you to make sure both you are thrilled with the wall art painting produced by us. We offer wholesale pricing for bulk orders to individual procurers and interior designers and try to quote very competitively to ensure your margins are where they need to be for your project work to be profitable.

Stretched canvas, Acrylics & Mixed media.

We will issue you a certificate of Originality with every piece you buy from our store.

It is generally 7-10 days from the date of order.